Giving Back
From the beginning, we have aligned ourselves with a community inspired approach to doing business. Throughout the year, we donate to, sponsor, and volunteer within schools, local non-profit organizations, community events, and more. We seek out opportunities that help to build and strengthen communities.
When choosing a recipient for this year's holiday campaign, we knew right away what we wanted to do. Over the years, we have given to several different programs within Children's Wisconsin. Children's has been a part of our lives in many different ways - with our own children, to my best friend's son and many other close friends of ours and their kiddos, to all of the families we do and do not know.
This year, our inspiration comes from a very strong little friend of ours who has been braving cancer treatments and all that comes with it. Throughout her treatments and hospital stays over the last several months, she has worked with child life specialists at Children's Wisconsin's Milwaukee Hospital. Working with these specialists has brought a smile to her face and made things a bit easier to tackle. Because of the comfort these specialists have brought to our buddy and to countless other kiddos and their families, our 2023 Holiday Giving Campaign will directly benefit the child life specialists specifically within the MACC Fund Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders.
We will donate 20% of all online sales placed on November 28th to the Child Life Specialists within the MACC Fund Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders.
Child Life Specialists at Children's Wisconsin
Child life specialists deliver kid-centered care. A hospital visit or stay can be traumatic for a child, especially when they are in pain or if the treatments they need are invasive and uncomfortable. Child life specialists are an incredible source of comfort and compassion. They are specially trained to support children in a developmentally appropriate manner through play, preparation, education, guided imagery and self-expression activities. They ensure care and services are delivered in the most kid-friendly ways — contributing to comfort, healing and stronger health outcomes.